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RH Vacuum Treatment Device Inssert Tube And Suer High Power Electric Furnace Gunning Material
RH Vacuum Treatment Device Inssert Tube And Suer High Power Electric Furnace Gunning Material

RH Vacuum Treatment Device Inssert Tube And Suer High Power Electric Furnace Gunning Material

Description :
RH Vacuum Treatment Device Inssert Tube And Suer High Power Electric Furnace Gunning Material
Application :
A New Type of injection material for the insertion Tube of RH vacuum treatment device and the Development of Ultra High Power Electric Furnace.

Description parameter

Item Model HXDP-80
Bulk demsity(g/cm³) 110℃×24h 2.34
Breaking strength(MPa) 110℃×24h ≥4
1500℃×3h 30
Compression strength(MPa) 110℃×24h ≥6.0
1500℃×3h ≥7.0
Linear change rate(%) 1500℃×3h ≤-2.6
Chemical component(%) MgO ≥80
CaO ≥2.0
Characteristic It has the characteristics of high adhesion rate, fast hardening speed, high strength, good thermal stability, strong resistance to slag erosion, resistance to molten steel scour and so on.
Scope of application A New Type of injection material for the insertion Tube of RH vacuum treatment device and the Development of Ultra High Power Electric Furnace.


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