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Alumina Castable
Alumina Castable

Alumina Castable

Description :
It has the characteristics of high density,high strength,wear resistance and corrosion resistance.

Description parameter

Alumina Castable
Part Number AL2O3(%) BD(g/cm³)      AP(%)      CCS (Mpa) Breaking Strength (Mpa) Rervice Temperature (℃) Refractoriness (℃)
HX-NMJ50 ≥55 ≥2.4 / ≥12 ≥-0.5-0 / 1700
HX-NMJ70 ≥70 ≥2.6 ≤23 ≥90 ≥16 1300 1750
HX-NMJ75 ≥75 ≥2.8 ≤22 ≥110 ≥18 1400 1790
HX-NMJ80 ≥80 ≥2.9 ≤20 ≥130 ≥20 1500 1790
HX-NMJ85 ≥85 ≥3 ≤18 ≥60 ≥26 1500 1790


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